
Showing posts from July, 2022

What Would Failure Look Like?

  There were two men, both captains of their own ships taking a load of cargo across the ocean. Then they both got an offer for a new adventure which involved going the opposite way they were headed. One man took his ship to the port where he was due with his cargo. Then he left the ship, turned it over to new leadership and looked for a new ship that he could buy. He worked hard, raised funds, and bought a new boat. Then he gathered a crew, some from his old ship, but because this was a new kind of ship, he needed many sailors who were skilled in the new design. Then he took off in the direction with his new cargo saying, “God, thank you for the humility that comes from starting a new adventure.” He didn’t make much money on the trip the first time but over time would learn this new business and make more money on each trip. The other man took his ship and slowly turned the ship, a bit here, then a bit more, without informing the people on board where they were going and soo

Slow Down

  The joke goes like this: A man is talking to God "God, how long is a million years to you?". God answers, "To me, it's about a minute my dear". "God, how much is a million dollars to you?" asked the man. "To me, it's a penny my dear." God replied. "God, may I have a penny?" said the man trying to trick God. "Wait a minute my dear" said the God with a smile on his face. In the 2019 annual report it says, ‘Slowing down is not an option.’ That sets red flags flying in my mind. Not an option? Slowing down is always an option and often beneficial and required. Is this an election committee trying to get buzz or an organization that does Bible translation? Today's news headline in my email says, “The virus is a marathon.” The email from the New York Times says, “Donald makes a fascinating point: Don’t look only at snapshots, like a country’s per capita death toll. “It’s not fair to pick one point in time and