
Showing posts from May, 2020

Designed to Make Errors

  As a missionary kid I was always surrounded by friends and strangers who believed in my parents and by extension me. In the mid-1960’s a support organization, Wycliffe Associates (WA), was set up to help Wycliffe Bible Translators with their mission. WA would provide support to WBT, and to their missionaries, allowing WBT to stay tightly focused on Bible translation. My Mom was the first secretary for WA, along with Sarah Pease, back in 1967. We often took advantage of the hospitality homes they organized to benefit the WBT missionaries. As you can imagine, full-time missionaries don’t often own homes, but when we would travel or go on furlough, we needed a place to stay. I remember our car piled high with suitcases on the top and sitting on suitcases on the back seat with the four of us kids stuffed in the back seat. One the furlough that I turned 12 I would put nail polish on my